NSW APA 16/04/20

Dear Club Secretary (Please forward this message onto your club members). Just an update on the COVID-19 and our sport. As you aware, there are restrictions around public gatherings and rules around leaving your home. These measures are in place to keep the community...


Good Afternoon Today I attended an Information Session (via phone) presented by the NSW Office of Sport, and acting Minister of Sport, Geoff Lee. It was advised that all non-essential sport must now cease! We have made numerous submissions to the Firearms...


IMPORTANT NOTICE TO ALL MEMBERS Due to increased restrictions and measures issued by the State & Federal Government the Bowral Pistol Club range will be closed to all members and visitors as of today until further notice and all pistol shooting...

Air Pistol Shooting

Air pistol shooting will be carried out at Belanglo on Range 7, which is now dedicated to Air pistol only. Air pistol can be shot any weekend as it won’t conflict with any other shooting event.

Jacketed Ammunition

All rifle shooting is to be with lead projectiles only. NO JACKETED AMMUNITION of any type is permitted. NOTE: Ranges 3, 4, 5 & 6 only use up to .38 calibre